Welcome to Lucky Duck Club

Sam here. We are so excited to welcome you to Lucky Duck Club. All you need to do to be eligible for giveaways and rewards is select your residential location and accept the T&Cs below.

*South Australian residents are eligible for select prizes. Please refer to the T&Cs for details.

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We are so sorry!

Our draws are not open to 28ers in South Australia, outside Australia and New Zealand yet. As a Lucky Duck Club member you can still receive discounts from our rewards partners.

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You are not currently eligible to enter the draws as you need to accept the terms and conditions.

Welcome to Lucky Duck Club

Sam here. We are so excited to welcome you to Lucky Duck Club. All you need to do to be eligible for giveaways and rewards is select your residential location and accept the T&Cs below.

*South Australian residents are eligible for select prizes. Please refer to the T&Cs for details.

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We are so sorry!

Our draws are not open to 28ers in South Australia, outside Australia and New Zealand yet. As a Lucky Duck Club member you can still receive discounts from our rewards partners.

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Go to T&Cs

Welcome to Lucky Duck Club

Sam here. We are so excited to welcome you to Lucky Duck Club. All you need to do to be eligible for giveaways and rewards is select your residential location and accept the T&Cs below.

*South Australian residents are eligible for select prizes. Please refer to the T&Cs for details.

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We are so sorry!

Our draws are not open to 28ers in South Australia, outside Australia and New Zealand yet. As a Lucky Duck Club member you can still receive discounts from our rewards partners.

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Frequently Asked Questions

General Information

What is Lucky Duck Club?

Lucky Duck Club is a free rewards program exclusive for paying subscribers of the 28 by Sam Wood program. It offers eligible 28 by Sam Wood subscribers access to exclusive partner offers and discounts as well as the chance to win prize draws.

How do I find and log in to Lucky Duck Club?

You can get to Lucky Duck Club by clicking on the Lucky Duck Club tile in the More section of your app. You can also visit luckyduckclub.com.au and use your 28 by Sam Wood details to log in.

What email and password do I use for Lucky Duck Club?

You can log in to Lucky Duck Club using the same email and password you use for your 28 by Sam Wood account. If you have forgotten your password you can click ‘Forgot your password?’ to reset it.

How much does it cost to join Lucky Duck Club?

Lucky Duck Club is included free of charge with your paid 28 by Sam Wood subscription. There are no additional fees to participate in the draws or access to partner discounts.

Can I be a member of Lucky Duck Club without being a 28 by Sam Wood subscriber?

No, Lucky Duck Club is an exclusive rewards program only for eligible 28 by Sam Wood subscribers.

Eligibility and Participation

Who is eligible for Lucky Duck Club draws?

Luck Duck Club draws are open to residents of all Australian States and Territories & NZ (Note: South Australian Residents, who are paying 28 by Sam Wood members and over 18 years old, are only eligible for Lucky Duck Wheel draws which happens every two weeks after commencement on February 6th 2025.)

Why can't South Australian residents participate in all Lucky Duck Club prize draws?

Due to specific regulations, residents of South Australia are not eligible for all Lucky Duck Club draws. They are eligible for the Lucky Duck Wheel Draw which happens every two weeks after commencement on February 6th 2025.

Why does Lucky Duck Club ask for my location of residence?

We ask for your location to ensure you're eligible for the draws, as regulations vary by state and country.

How do I enter Lucky Duck Club draws?

To enter, you need to be an eligible subscriber of the 28 by Sam Wood program and agree to the Terms and Conditions on www.luckyduckclub.com.au.

When do entries into a Lucky Duck Club draw close?

Entries into a Lucky Duck Club draw close at 11:59pm the day before the draw.

How many Lucky Duck Club tickets do I get?

For all those eligible, you accumulate 5 tickets for Lucky Duck Club draws for each continuous month of your current 28 by Sam Wood subscription. For example, after three months of continuous subscription, you would have 15 tickets. All of your accumulated tickets are included in each draw*, as long as your subscription remains active.


● You start with 5 Lucky Duck Club tickets when you join 28 by Sam Wood.

● If you are in your 6th consecutive month of subscription you’ll have 30 tickets

● If you are in your 24th consecutive month of subscription (2 years), you’ll have 120 tickets

● If you cancel your 28 by Sam Wood subscription, your ticket count resets back to zero.

Even though Lucky Duck club is new to the 28 by Sam Wood program, if you have an existing subscription your ticket count will reflect the number of continuous months on your current subscription. You can check your ticket count by logging in here using our 28 by Sam Wood login credentials.

*Due to specific regulations, residents of South Australia are not eligible for all Lucky Duck Club draws. They are eligible for the Lucky Duck Wheel Draw which happens every two weeks after commencement on February 6th 2025.

How can I see how many Lucky Duck Club entries I have?

You can see your current Lucky Duck Club tickets by clicking on the Lucky Duck Club tile in the More section of your app. Your tickets will be available in your account section on https://luckyduckclub.com.au/ (using your 28 by Sam Wood login credentials)

Is there a cap on the number of tickets I can have for a Lucky Duck Club draw?

There is no cap on tickets: the longer you are a continuous subscriber of 28 by Sam Wood the more tickets you’ll get.

Do my Lucky Duck Club tickets carry over to future draws?

Yes, all of your accumulated tickets are included in each draw*, as long as your subscription remains active. You will receive 5 additional tickets for each month of continuous 28 by Sam Wood subscription.

*Due to specific regulations, residents of South Australia are not eligible for all Lucky Duck Club draws. They are eligible for the Lucky Duck Wheel Draw which happens every two weeks after commencement on February 6th 2025 and their tickets accumulate for each month of continuous 28 by Sam Wood subscription.

What happens to my Lucky Duck Club tickets if I cancel my 28 by Sam Wood subscription?

If your 28 by Sam Wood subscription ends, your ticket count will be reset. This means if you rejoin later, you'll start again with 5 tickets and begin accumulating tickets from there.

How often do I receive new Lucky Duck Club tickets?

You receive 5 new tickets at each month 'anniversary' of your 28 by Sam Wood subscription. These are added to your existing tickets, increasing your total number of tickets for each draw*.

*Due to specific regulations, residents of South Australia are not eligible for all Lucky Duck Club draws. They are eligible for the Lucky Duck Wheel Draw which happens every two weeks after commencement on February 6th 2025.

If I've been a 28 by Sam Wood subscriber for a long time, do I have more chances to win with Lucky Duck Club?

Yes, the longer you maintain your subscription, the more tickets you accumulate, which increases your chances in each draw*. For example, if you've been a continuous 28 by Sam Wood subscriber for 12 months, you would have 60 tickets in each draw. There is no cap to the number of tickets you can receive.

*Due to specific regulations, residents of South Australia are not eligible for all Lucky Duck Club draws. They are eligible for the Lucky Duck Wheel Draw which happens every two weeks after commencement on February 6th 2025.

How many Lucky Duck tickets do I have if I’ve canceled and resubscribed?

Your tickets are based on your current continuous subscription period. If you have canceled your subscription and then resubscribed, your entry count would have reset at the start of your current subscription period. You would start with 5 tickets and begin accumulating from there.

Current Promotion and Prizes

What are the prizes in the current Lucky Duck Club promotion?

Keep an eye on https://luckyduckclub.com.au/ and your email for announcements about upcoming draws.

When are the Lucky Duck Club draws held?

Keep an eye on https://luckyduckclub.com.au/ and your email for announcements about upcoming draws.

How will I know if I've won a Lucky Duck Club draw?

Winners are notified via email and phone within 7 business days of each draw. The winner's full name and city will also be published on the website for 28 days.

How long do I have to claim my Lucky Duck Club prize?

You have 60 days from the draw date to claim your prize. If a prize remains unclaimed, it will be redrawn on the 61st day at 12:00pm AEST.

What happens if a Lucky Duck Club prize is not claimed within 60 days?

If a prize remains unclaimed after 60 days, we conduct a redraw. This redraw takes place on the 61st day at 12:00pm AEST.

Can I win more than one Lucky Duck Club prize?

Yes, there's no limit to the number of prizes an eligible entrant may win, up to the maximum number of prizes available*.

*Due to specific regulations, residents of South Australia are not eligible for all Lucky Duck Club draws. They are eligible for the Lucky Duck Wheel Draw which happens every two weeks after commencement on February 6th 2025.

Are there any tax implications if I win a Lucky Duck Club prize?

We recommend seeking independent financial advice if you win a prize to ensure any tax implications are understood.

Future Draws

Do I need to opt in for future Lucky Duck Club draws separately?

No, if you've already opted in for the Lucky Duck Club, you'll be automatically included in future draws unless you choose to opt out.

Note: South Australian Residents are only eligible for Lucky Duck Wheel prize draws after opting in, which happens every two weeks after commencement on February 6th 2025.

Will my accumulated tickets count for future Lucky Duck Club draws?

Yes, as long as your 28 by Sam Wood subscription remains active, your accumulated tickets will count towards future Lucky Duck Club draws*.

*Due to specific regulations, residents of South Australia are not eligible for all Lucky Duck Club draws. They are eligible for the Lucky Duck Wheel Draw which happens every two weeks after commencement on February 6th 2025.

How will I know about new Lucky Duck Club draws?

Information about new draws will be announced on https://www.luckyduckclub.com.au/. Keep an eye on the Lucky Duck Club socials as well the 28 by Sam Wood Community page and your emails to hear about what’s coming up.

Lucky Duck Club Partner Discounts

What are Lucky Duck Club 'partner discounts'?

Lucky Duck Club 'partner discounts’ are exclusive discounts and offers from select partners. These can be found at luckyduckclub.com.au and are only accessible to logged-in 28 by Sam Wood subscribers.

How do I access the Lucky Duck Club 'partner discounts'?

You can access the 'partner discounts' by logging into your account at luckyduckclub.com.au. The partner discounts may change from time to time.

Account Management and Privacy

Can I opt out of the Lucky Duck Club draws?

Yes, you can opt out of this and future promotions by emailing the 28 by Sam Wood crew at hello@luckyduckclub.com.au. You'll still have access to the other 28 by Sam Wood program benefits and Lucky Duck Club partner discounts.

How can I update my personal details for Lucky Duck Club?

You can update your personal details in the ‘account’ section of 28bysamwood.com on our website only. If you have any issues, you can email the 28 by Sam Wood crew for assistance.

Where can I find the Lucky Duck Club privacy policy?

The full privacy policy can be found at www.28bysamwood.com/privacy-policy/.